Sunday, September 15, 2013


The first chakra is commonly referred to as the root chakra and is located at the perineum, and is angled down from the body, opening toward the Earth.  Physically, the first chakra influences the genital and rectal areas, the male reproductive system, the bladder and the coccyx.  Energy to the legs, knees and feet may also be influenced by the first chakra.  Physical vitality is also influenced through physical enjoyment, presence, strength, being grounded in the present, and the feeling of being in your body.  The first chakra influences aspects of physical and egoic survival.  Aspects of life that involve self-preservation, which may include work, home, family, money, food and other relationships that involve security are influenced by this chakra.  This is reflected in ones ability to feel safe, and in ones confidence or fear of ones ability/inability to survive.  The first chakra affects fight or flight responses and informing impulses such as a sense of danger, recognition of truth, and gut-level recognition.  Sexuality is influenced by the first chakra as it relates to procreation and survival.  In this, sexuality is used to establish security, power/dominance, and/or safety.  

The second chakra is commonly referred to as the sacral chakra, and is located about 1½ - 2 inches below the naval.  Physically, the second chakra influences the female reproductive organs, the large intestine and colon, the bones and muscles of the pelvic area, and the sacral area.  The second chakra influences ones connectedness and merging with another person, situation or experience on an emotional and/or energetic level.  This affects ones ability to be physically or energetically open to sensation.  It influences personal boundary issues, and ones absorbing of or being absorbed by a person or experience.  The second chakra influences sexual attraction, emotional bonding, and sexual union.  The second chakra also influences sexual or bloodline based relationships, and involves the nurturing and fostering of the well-being of others.  This impacts how a person gives energy to others as well as reserves energy for oneself.  The second chakra influences ones power center, involving self-containment, charisma, core strength, self-identity, self-empowerment, and interpersonal power sharing or power struggles.

The third chakra is commonly referred to as the solar plexus, and is located about 1½ - 2 inches below the base of the sternum.  Physically, the third chakra influences the liver, stomach, gall bladder, spleen, small intestine, pancreas, kidneys, and the lumbar vertebrae.  The third chakra influences self-acceptance and acknowledgement, connection with the self, and self-advocacy.  This involves the ability to recognize and support ones needs, values, emotions and desires, as well as ones ability to accurately represent the self.  It influences ones ability to find fulfillment and enjoyment in life, and ones sense of pride and self-worth.  The third charka also influences ones ability to participate fully and engage in life, and to take action.

The fourth chakra is commonly referred to as the heart chakra and is located about 1½ - 2 inches above the base of the sternum.  Physically, the fourth chakra influences the heart, lungs, arms, breasts and mid-thoracic vertebrae.  The fourth chakra influences ones ability to love and connect with oneself and others.  It is the soul force and psychic center, the place of deep-level seeing and knowing.  The fourth chakra is also the place of integration and transmutation of life experience, where a person integrates experience and transmutes this experience into knowledge, wisdom, peace, forgiveness and release.

The fifth chakra is commonly referred to as the throat chakra, and is located at the 4th cervical vertebrae, in the center of the throat.  Physically, the fifth chakra influences the neck, throat, larynx, thyroid, jaw, mouth, ears, and cervical vertebrae.  The fifth chakra is the center of creativity, self-expression and communication.  It allows (or prohibits) one to bring what is inside out, giving voice to the self  and allowing creative energies, ideas, visions and dreams to flow and manifest.  It influences ones openness to interaction and communication with others.  The fifth chakra is a powerful center, as it has the ability to allow or block the flow of energy throughout the energy system.

The sixth chakra is commonly known as the Third-Eye chakra, and is located in the mid-forehead.  Physically, the sixth chakra influences the eyes, brain, pineal gland and the sinuses.  The sixth chakra influences mental clarity, spiritual level knowing, and vision.  It influences the minds ability to know ‘what is’ in a clear, receptive manner.  The sixth chakra influences a person’s deep inner knowing and understanding based on the experience of the true self; as well as one’s ability to see ‘what is’ in this dimension and beyond.

The seventh chakra is commonly known as the crown chakra, and is located at the top of the head, opening to the sky.  Physically, the seventh chakra influences the spine, joints, brain and cervical vertebrae.  The seventh chakra is a spiritual center and influences ones openness and connection with the nonphysical dimensions of the Universe, keeping spiritual awareness in one’s consciousness.  It influences ones connection with the Divine Source, bringing the feeling of being spiritually connected and supported throughout ones day-to-day experience.  It affects one’s ability to accept oneself as an infinite being, and brings a greater awareness of what is moving toward manifestation in the future.

The eighth chakra is located approximately one-third of the way down from the top of the sternum in the area of the 5th mid-thoracic vertebrae.  Physically, the eighth chakra influences the heart, lungs, thymus, upper arms, shoulders, and upper thoracic vertebrae.  The eighth chakra can influence all levels of healing.  The eighth chakra influences one’s ability to connect with and be receptive to light energy.  It impacts ones openness to changing vibrations and frequencies; self-transformation; trusting change and feeling free to change.  

Stagnation, blockages, damage, over activity and/or other forms of imbalance in any chakra can impact a person’s life in sometimes seemingly subtle ways, and can influence the body on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  Issues of the chakras may also be interconnected.  For example, issues of power may seem to be connected to the 2nd chakra, however impact self-esteem (3rd chakra), or survival, and therefore be tied to the 1st chakra.  All three chakras may be involved, or one may be governing the situation.  As you work with the chakras, you will begin to see the variations in how others connect with specific issues.

Imbalances, blockages, and/or damage in the chakras can be caused by trauma, unresolved conflicts, karmic and past life circumstances, belief systems and/or behavioral patterns.  When imbalances in the chakra system are unresolved, over time the blockage of energy flow will manifest as illness, dis-ease or disorder.  When the physical body is under continued stress, the chakras will not work properly.  The key to healing is to address the root cause of the disorder, not just the symptoms.  As a healer, it is important to be aware that the symptoms may not manifest in the ‘place’ of the cause.  This is where your intuition will come into play, as well as your knowledge of the energy

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